martes, 27 de enero de 2015

Final Post! <3

What kind of activities and things have you done and learnt in classes?

I think I learned a little but my english is bad because when I was in school I never taught the basics. now the truth is that it was hard but I worked and I feel that can I learn more English in the future. it had previously been impossible before that this experience. I would like learn for can travel with confidence.

What aspects of the English language do you still have to improve? How do you plan to do it?

All aspects, jaja I'm very bad for english but I would like learn of true, I was travel to Montevideo and I met with a artist and curator Aleman that don't known the español and I missed an important opportunity for develop a project artistic. I realized that it is important to know English if you enter the world of art. I want to learn and dedicate time to come to this.

  What are you going to do in February? Tell me about your plans for your summer vacations.

I will travel to valparaiso to home of my brother. I would like passing the time like a hermit  for writing my  thesis in peace and out to exercise for have  productive and healthy life. and prepare for this year because it will be an important year. that will finish college, I start to live alone and will work on my first fondart.

jueves, 22 de enero de 2015

Hello Internet.

I going to talk you about one masterpiece that I made a long time ago; however this was a famous the last years because this was selected in two external competition. First, for Gallery Concreta in the exposicion "city tour" done at  matucana 100, and after for Gallery Macchina in the  exposicion "obra escuela" done at  Universidad catolica. I was happy for  win but I felt like “Rene de la Vega” since after of the one-hit wonder I have not been doing anything more entertaining. Although now I win fondart with my best friend but this is very boring and sensible jaja as a true masterpiece… boring as you like to fondart. The masterpiece is called “JG” is a video art about children playing a passionate football match with the head of Jaime Guzman in the street of the same name.
this video art is about The relationship of Chile with the past, for example, jaime guzman is one celebrity very important of the dictatorship and he have many streets to his name. but in this street of the periphery, the children never heard of him.
they played with the head of the person what written the Constitution of Chile
not thinking that the constitution directly concerned them becouse affects their lives.
I like much this masterpiece, because When I made this video art I learned much.
 I so often saw this video that I hate it, hope you like it.

bye Internet!

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015

Have you ever been on TV?

Yes I have. I was on TV when I was a teenager. I was fanatic of Sergio Lagos for “Panoramix" but never went this program. I went to "Sabado Gigante" to catch a glimpse of him. Ha ha ha this experience was terrible, but talked with Sergio Lagos!

Have you ever sung in public?

Yes I have. I play the guitar and sung, once I was sing in a talent show because before I wanted to be like Daniel Johnston. Jaja but not make it and study art. U.U I know that someday I will be a music legend !

Have you ever played an instrument in public?

Yes, I did. It happened a long time ago, when I was seventeen years old, in an act at my college, I was nervous but I played the piano after been rehearsing for that. The song I tried to play was, in my own words, one of the best songs of all times, Nothing Compares 2 U by Sinead O’Connor. Finally, everybody was happy with my dfkjdskfjd

Have you ever ridden a horse?

I have ridden a horse, one day in a farm near Olmue. It was in the summer of 2014. I saw a corral full of horses and then I asked to my mother if I could ride a horse, and then she said: yes, you can! Next step I was up of a horse so happy and letting my hair free, it was funny.

jueves, 8 de enero de 2015

2 film Directors.

 Charlye Stuart kaufman is an American screenwriter, producer, director, and lyricist. He has born in 1958 in the New York, I like working of Kaufman  above everything  the  scripts of the  Eternal “Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” and “Being John Malkovich”, he has only 2 films as director “Synecdoche, New York”  and  “Frank or Francis”. Synecdoche, New York is the great films are about a theatre director, Caden, he has decided make a work theatre about on their life, but the extent that this stars a replace as real life. The film covers topics such as the nature of the family, home and relationships between man and woman.

 Edward davis wood was an American screenwriter, director, producer, actor, author and film editor.  He has born in New York in 1924. He was posthumously awarded a Golden Turkey Award as Worst Director of All Time. For me is a genius and any films is good, I recommended  “the Plan 9 from Outer Space” The film involves extraterrestrial beings who are seeking to stop humanity from creating a doomsday weapon that would destroy the universe. 

martes, 6 de enero de 2015

What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?

 I think that the chilean politicians are the worst thing ever. They use our money to give more salary to themselves and they don´t fix the problems of our country. They don´t know about what we want and  they don´t even care.

What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?

 I think you should legaliar the private cultivation of marijuana, but not the marijuana because would become a product over the industrial and would ruin like the disgusting tobacco industrial.

What is your opinion about cloning?

 I think that the cloning is very interesting and could lead to breakthroughs in areas such as medicine but is dangerous because is a lot of responsibility to humanity as was the nuclear energy, which ended in disaster.

What is your opinion about “barras bravas”?

I like the barras bravas is very enjoyable see to people crazy Jumping and Screaming everywhere; it is a reflection of the current Chilean society, a society divided, extreme nationalist and violent.

What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

I think the laws public health should be created to protection of the most vulnerable people, independently of the values of the church. The abortion should be legal, safe and free for all. In addition there should be a good sexual education for young people

lunes, 5 de enero de 2015

Hi 2015!

Year of the Sheep ugly..

What’s your evaluation?

I think it was a complicated year for me, I was very well in “the world of art”, because me artwork has been exhibited galleries of art, for example Gallery  Macchina  of the Universidad Catolica, Gallery Concreta of  Matucana 100 and in the abroad in the Universidad de Uruguay      , but In my personal life was disaster,  my grandmother Tina deat for a medical malpractice  and my mother Elida lost a very important work, that makes the ruin in my house. Lost very important friends, I learned many things and a man it broke my heart…. rare a year!

What about work or studies?

I didn't worry much of the Universidad, because was already working in the real word and I realized I was never going to get rich but this is the only thing I can make  although I do it wrong.

What was the best of 2014? 

When I traveled to Uruguay, I´ve never traveled far away before. The support my teachers gave me, I've never imagine it.

What was the worst?

Two things. My grandmother's funeral and loss of a valued friend for my recklessness.

goodbye disgusting and beautiful 2014.